सत्यवती महाविद्यालय 
सत्यवती महाविद्यालय (शाम का सत्र) 
स्कूल ऑफ ओपन लर्निंग ( पत्राचार के पूर्ववर्ती स्कूल & वयस्क शिक्षा) 
पुनर्वास विज्ञान स्कूल 
शहीद भगत सिंह कॉलेज 
शहीद भगत सिंह कॉलेज (शाम का सत्र) 
शहीद राजगुरु कॉलेज ऑफ एप्लाइड साइंसेज फॉर वुमेन 
शहीद सुखदेव कॉलेज ऑफ बिजनेस स्टडीज 
शिवाजी कॉलेज 
श्री राम कॉलेज ऑफ कॉमर्स 
श्याम लाल कॉलेज 
श्याम लाल कॉलेज (शाम का सत्र) 
श्यामा प्रसाद मुखर्जी कॉलेज फॉर विमेन 
श्री अरबिंदो कॉलेज 
श्री अरबिंदो कॉलेज (शाम का सत्र) 
श्री गुरु गोबिंद सिंह कॉलेज ऑफ कॉमर्स 
श्री गुरु नानक देव खालसा कॉलेज 
श्री गुरु तेग बहादुर खालसा कॉलेज 
श्री वेंकटेश्वर कॉलेज 
सेंट स्टीफन कॉलेज 
स्वामी श्रद्धानंद कॉलेज 
अनुप्रयुक्त सामाजिक विज्ञान और मानविकी संकाय
वाणिज्य संकाय और बिजनेस स्टडीज
शिक्षा विभाग
विधि संकाय
प्रबंधन अध्ययन के संकाय

विज्ञान संकाय

प्रौद्योगिकी संकाय



The University of Delhi revels in holding illustrious standards of research in the country with eminent faculty to match the best in the world. It is a research-intensive university that seeks to create and share knowledge and technical knowhow through quality research for the benefit of society and humanity. While it is not possible to quantify the value of significant inputs that go into research at the university, some of the measurable/deliverables include funds received from extramural sources, research grants, research-based course curricula, research supervision by faculty and the number of students enrolled in postgraduate and doctoral programmes. Output on the other hand constitutes quality publications, patents, consultancy, MoUs, citations, distinguished awards/honours received by faculty and research scholars, and diverse research products and processes that enhance the quality of life and well-being of the society at large.

Research Highlights

h-index and Publications: The University has an impressive h-index of 164 (based on Scopus database), which is one of the highest among Indian Universities. Total number of publications during 2012–2017 was 10,274. 

Research Grants: Being a research-intensive university, the University of Delhi promotes the strengthening of research infrastructure and innovation culture by exploring novel paradigms to address societal, national and global challenges. The University’s strong commitment to excellence in research is reflected by perusal of its funding from extramural sources which amounts to more than Rs. 300 crores in the last five years. 

Undergraduate Research in the University: The University holds distinction in initiating undergraduate research programmes through research grants, travel grants and by bringing out an online Journal of Undergraduate Research and Innovation. These initiatives have played a significant role in developing interdisciplinary research culture in the colleges and have facilitated integrative learning. 

Eminent Research Faculty: Every year there is an extensive list of research faculty who received extramural grants of more than rupees one crore. These are received by them on competitive basis and on account of the prestige and importance of their research in the global context.  This has resulted in several path-breaking outcomes, which have led to significant advances in the existing knowledge base. Apart from resulting in prestigious publications with high impact factor, the research outcomes of these initiatives have also included innovative applications that have permeated the larger public domain and have enhanced the societal well-being.

Awards, Collaborations, Conferences: The outstanding body of research work done in the University has been duly rewarded with several national and international recognition and awards. Faculty members are also recipients of the most prestigious international and national research fellowships. The University has partner universities across the world with which student/faculty exchange programmes and active collaborations for research are strongly encouraged.

Last Updated: Tuesday 05-Jan-21 15:39:25 IST
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डीयू मैप
दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय
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