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World Heart Day 2020

WORLD HEART DAY 2020                        :   29th September, 2020

THEME OF 2020 WORLD HEART DAY      :    Use Heart to Beat Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD)

MESSAGE OF WORLD HEART DAY 2020  :    “In the time of COVID–19, taking care of your heart is more important than ever before”

World Heart Day was first founded by World Heart Foundation (WHF) in collaboration with WHO in 1999 and is celebrated on last Sunday of September every year. Idea of annual event was conceived by Antoni Bayes De Luma, President of WHF from 1997-2011.

This day aims at promoting a healthy lifestyle among people & also to make them aware of seriousness of CVD which account for half of all non-communicable diseases making it leading cause of deaths every year.

World Heart Day Significance :

It is the world’s leading cause of death claiming 17.9 million lives each year which is 31% of all global deaths which occur mainly in low and middle income developing countries.

COVID-19 Pandemic has put up the healthcare sector in the spotlight. All the healthcare systems have geared up  for the health of people tirelessly during these difficult times.

Causes of Cardiovascular Diseases :

Smoking, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Obesity, Air Pollution, Tobacco (biddi, gutka), unhealthy diet, no physical activity, Alcohol, inadequate intake of fruit & vegetables.

Modern day lifestyle has boosted unhealthy lifestyle. Working on the computer for long hours, eating junk foods, sleeping late at night are common phenomena. Lack of physical activity also adds to already bad lifestyle.

The Coronavirus outbreak has also added to the work pressure that the people already had. All these unhealthy life styles result in Raised Blood Pressure (Hypertension), Cholesterol (Dyslipidaemia), High Blood Glucose levels (Diabetes Mellitus) and Obesity which in turn trigger Cardiovascular diseases.

Pathophysiological links : Numerous theories have been postulated to establish causal association between environmental toxins and cardiovascular adverse events. Untoward effects may be mediated via Atherosclerosis, Vasoconstriction, changes in Heart Rate variability, Blood Pressure, Coagulation, Abnormal Platelet Activation, Endothelial Dysfunction leading to acute and chronic sequelae.

Preventive Measures :

There is sufficient irrevocable conclusive link between the environmental pollution – be it in the air we breathe, food we eat, soil we grow, fuel we burn, noise we hear and even the stress we bear and CVD progression. Strict implementation of air quality regulation and pollution levels will contribute to a meaningful increase in life expectancy and reduction in cardiovascular mortality :

1.       Air Pollution levels displays should be available in each city at crowded places to increase the awareness.

2.       People should be discouraged to walk/exercise at place with high air pollution levels.

3.       The use of vehicle emanating fewer pollutants be made mandatory and strictly enforced.

4.       Environmental factors should be referred to as reversible risk factors for Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease in text books, documents.

5.       Awareness of Pollution Hazard should be displayed at par with smoking and tobacco in advertisements.

6.       Posters and slides at multiplexes and shopping malls can support the message.

7.       Innovative catchy cartoons and drawings be displayed at school fetes and functions.

WHF organizes following awareness events :

Health Checks, Sports events (walks, runs, fitness sessions), Public talks, stage shows, concerts, Exhibitions.

Together, we can help people live longer, better, more heart healthy lives.

A Simple Promise : Good Heart health is good for my heart, for your heart, for all our hearts because we believe every heartbeat matters.


(Dr. Sunil Thakur)
Chief Medical Officer

Last Updated: May 20, 2021
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